Ann and Phil Colburn

Ann and Phil Colburn“After decades of supporting JFS, seeing it grow and flourish and change in response to the needs of our community, we could not bear to have it fade away because of a lack of ongoing resources. Doing something to help the agency continue to grow and prosper, to continue helping so many, makes us happy. Even if we are no longer present to help, we can help ensure that others will be able to continue the work—the so-important, so-needed work.”

“We need a sturdy organization that hands the torch of maintaining and growing its programs from one generation to the next. Maintaining the intent and integrity of the agency holds a kind of sacredness, whether its supporters are religious or non-religious Jews.”

“Jewish Family Service Los Angeles has not faltered in its mission to help the poor and disadvantaged with non-sectarian blindness; in fact, JFS grows and changes with the needs of the community. It is that sturdy and robust, family-like agency that the community in all its diversity needs on a permanent basis.”

“Once you take a good look at all the services JFS tailors to our community’s many needs, once you understand how effective the programs are, it really becomes impossible to not want to support them all.”

“JFS is the oldest and, arguably, the most effective family services agency in Los Angeles. Its non-sectarian programs touch the lives of so many people in our community, from the young to senior citizens. By offering help and hope to individuals and families, JFS strengthens the whole community.”

—Ann and Phil Colburn